While we still enjoy reminiscing of the Geneva fair where Mansory present we proceed to the order of the day, thick spots highlight. Mansory at Geneva showed a large number of firsts that hopefully not too distant future will be spotted. Last year was Geneva, where for the first Mansory Panamera was shown. Meanwhile, a number of spotted and this one is in Düsseldorf was spotted again a very impressive sight!
Mansory the Panamera has a body kit developed very successful, because they are regularly spotted. Cheap is not because the bodykit carbon fiber material used to manufacture the body kit. These are packages that, tens of thousands of euros to be paid. Mansory, the Panamera, if you want to provide an extremely striking color but in this case, the simple black. But thanks to the sturdy front and rear is far away from the look simple. It is simply very brutal! The ability of the Panamera is from 500 hp to 690 hp for the performance brought to a higher level. The top speed is well above the 300 km / h and you get the sprint to 100 km / h in under four seconds.