Winter car accidents and failures, the way in bad weather can prevent messages. Here is how your car for winter.
It's that time of year again: The days are getting shorter, colder weather. Soon it will be below freezing temperatures and snow will fall. Is your car ready?

Winter car to protect you and your vehicle from unnecessary repairs, accidents, and get stranded on the side of the road in bad weather. Here are a few things for the cold weather season.
Get a new tire. They have tread depth check. If you're not bald, you will have a greater risk of accidents on wet, icy or snowy roads. Snow tires and winter tires in the snow is great in many areas of snow and ice, but you'll be sure to take off in the spring and saving it (if enough profile) the following winter. But the brand new all-season tires all you need. Talk to your mechanic and see what they recommend.
• Have your tires rotated and balanced, and air pressure checked. If you do not need new tires and recently bought an all-season tires, make sure it is rotated and balanced. See also press. This will ensure the best care in poor conditions, not to mention wear all winter.
• Have your cooling system checked. 50/50 mixture of antifreeze and water can actually reach temperatures colder than the water without freezing or frost. Your mechanic will be one meter to the freezing point of the mixture, which is currently in a car radiator test. While they're at it, they visually check your hoses, make sure not too soft or too brittle. With wild fluctuations between zero and the temperature outside the engine running, the old pipes crack sensitive at this time of year.
Snowy road conditions:
Consider your radiator flushed and replace your antifreeze. Most people do not think about changing your antifreeze, but it really should be published annually. PH balance your antifreeze deteriorate, making the inside of your radiator and the rest of the cooling system vulnerable to corrosion. Rinse System can also prevent or slow the possible corrosion began.
• Are your tires and battery. The last thing you want is an empty battery in this time of year! Have the battery tested to make sure that it will hold the load - some auto parts stores will do it for free - and replace it if it is not 100 percent. Also make sure to check the belt - if they are loose or polished, the cold weather more likely to slip.
• Make sure wipers and fill your wiper fluid. Most people do not realize that the wipers are designed for about six months, so it's a good idea to replace them at the beginning of winter and summer. Make sure that the most of your wiper fluid, or replaced by the one-ICER, if you wish.
• Make sure that snow brush and ice scraper! Replacing the scraper at the end of last season? Did it out of the car? It's easy to forget things like that in the long summer. Make sure you are ready for first snow storm of the season.
While all these measures, accidents and mistakes can happen, so be sure to always be prepared for emergencies. Can an emergency kit for your car in all stores that sell car accessories, or you can create your own. In winter it's a good idea to have an extra jacket, extra gloves and possibly a blanket or two in the trunk to bring. Flashlight, spare kit, jumper cables and you need all the time. Snow chains and a few sandbags in the back if you have a car that will help if you do. Start thinking about these things now and you'll be sure to have prepared in case the worst happens!