If you travel in the winter months, it is important to winter survival kit in your car. It can be easily prepared and can be a real lifesaver. I think it's just another bag packing. Your extra suitcase space blanket, hat, gloves and a flashlight battery. Would you like to have things with you that keeps you warm when the defect. If you travel through the remote areas where there is little traffic can also opt for an emergency flares and first aid kits.
Winter driving:
Custom kick
If your car gets stuck in the snow, but it's still broken, so it is possible to kick yourself. With a shovel in the car and a bag of ice melting salts are good ways to keep ready for winter hazards. Use a shovel to dig around the deck and then spread salt on the sidewalk, you made a special traction. Press the accelerator gently, if you try to get wrong, the turning of the tires to help. If you slow the car rock back and forth by switching devices and vice versa, you can often get rid of.
Winter driving hazards:
Black Ice

One of the most dangerous of all is the danger of winter ice. It has the nickname, because it is impossible to see him on the road. Inform you of the danger to hit a car or see before you in a spin. If you ice patch, do not panic. Do not slam on the brakes. While the natural reaction is to try and stop frame brake too hard you just show up. Click on the brakes and turn the wheel in the direction of the image. If you have ABS brakes, keep the pedal down and slowly you trust them to stop.
Toyota Prius in the snow:
What if you wreck
Statistics show that one quarter of all accidents in bad weather, so they are involved in an accident in the snow is a real possibility. You can improve your chances to avoid a wreck, the tires are in excellent condition and you should clear the windshield during a thunderstorm. If you're a wreck, immediately call the car insurance company and inform them. Make sure the policy covers assistance and they send a tow truck if necessary.
The snow and ice need not be daunting if you're well prepared for winter weather hazards. Do not let a little ice or snow spoil your trip.