Last winter, many local authorities ran out of sand on all roads are treated to the first snowfall. The second and third case arose, there was not much more can be done, as opposed to the introduction of snowplow on the main routes and the rest as they leave. Because of the budget this year, many communities in the sand to save less than last year, despite the fact that this winter is expected colder than average.

Auto redwood trees in winter:
In many countries where snow is likely in winter when you change tires for the winter, their insurance is invalid if you have a chance that you are responsible for any claims against you. Like many Europeans were surprised that our ties with the changing competition environment. Tire manufacturer Continental has recently conducted a survey which revealed that many British drivers are not even aware that there are different tires for different conditions.
backlight to freeze in winter:
Winter tires have deeper act alone, but they are made of different mixes of all-weather tires, which should not be difficult at low temperatures. Tyres can be used throughout the years, but they are very effective in 7degrees or less.
frozen mirror:
There's something about the myth that the majority of driving under the influence of alcohol is around Christmas, but there are multiple convictions for driving under the influence of alcohol during the summer months. But there are statistically more accidents during the winter season between November and January than any other in the course of three months after the rest of the year. There are many reasons for this, but I have the primary roads are wet and icier than at any other time of year. Winter can reduce braking distance on snowy roads at 30 km / h 8-track, two full car lengths.