Op short term car insurance policy does not differentiate. At least not now. With a number of temporary car insurance providers, there is little or no difference in the rates for men or women, but because they are negotiated mainstream politicians, insurance companies, regardless of the price increase will be reflected decided one day stabbing even the cost of car insurance. What is almost certain that the cost of car insurance for women looks to grow through the end of next year after the EU decided where it was decided that the difference between the cost of coverage based on gender, human rights violations.
The European Court of Justice (ECJ) decision means that the price discrimination must end on 21 December 2012. British Insurance Brokers Association (Biba), says the difference in price is based solely on proven actuarial risk than discrimination based on sex. In 2010, says the average price of the car 18-year-old man was 4400 pounds, while the 18-year-old woman is £ 2,700. Therefore, the average age of female driver 5:22 p.m. still expect about £ 1,682 years to spend on your car. It is certainly expensive, but it's about £ 1,000 cheaper than the equivalent male driver will be charged.
If the goal is a decision to an element of justice to add the extra price, then it is probably older, male drivers are more susceptible could also claim to have been treated unfairly because of a reckless boy racers. If it is illegal to discriminate on grounds of sex is so unfair discrimination on grounds of age? Although statistics show that older drivers of both sexes tend to be better risks than the insurer's point of view.
This means that the cost of insurance, people would tumble to meet these women? Of course not! The coverage of risks to price, which is actually a discount for lower risk as young women who are statistically reliable. That means insurance, not discrimination, but only the price of individual risk as possible. In other words, exactly what to do. This practice needs to change and as safe drivers, whether they are young women or older people will now be cross-subsidies to pay for young people in their premiums.
Female 25 years old could see their insurance costs will rise by up to 25%, adding around £ 400 for an annual cost of insuring your car. What seems almost certain that if you one day car insurance at least for now, more people end up poorer as a result of the decision and that seems fair sex drives to choose.