wind in your hair and the warmth of the sun on your face, run down historic Route 101 along the California coast, could be fully enjoyed in a 1966 Ford Mustang convertible. Slightly modified version of the 1965 original issue, and much more accurate and sensitive than the 1967 Mustang, and all who came after him, the 1966 Ford Mustang is the ultimate vintage American car out. Sporty yet classic 1966 Mustang remains one of the most popular car to date.

Be announced in the 60 years as a car with a young spirit, the 1966 Mustang is the only way to travel from the spirit of the California sun, led by the legendary Mustang Grille, a product of 1966-edition. Its sheer beauty, combined with incredible on-road capability is required for long-term dip or a relaxing cruise ... any type of travel comes together.
The final U.S. tour, you can not go wrong with a 1966 Ford Mustang convertible. His versatility and classic appeal gives him the name of the last session in the car, and while other cars may have more power or less miles 1966 Mustang is an absolute car icons, and so far the only way to see America.
Author: Simon, currently in a luxury hotel in Brighton and works for a specialist divorce lawyer will stay during the day but dreams of Mustang and the Dodge Viper tonight!